Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Message From Your Instructor

    • What Will The Course Cover

    • Marketing Course Workbook

    • How To Use This Course

    • Academic Panel - Phil Roberts: Building a Business for an Advisor

    • Update: Building a Business for an Advisor - Phil Roberts

    • Dale Coutts - Role Of An Advisor

    • Update: Role Of an Advisor - Dale Coutts

    • Understand A Business Owners' Journey

    • Some Benefits Of Advisory

    • How It Feels Helping To Succeed

    • Advisors Wear Many Hats

  2. 2
    • How To Be A Successful Advisor

    • Steve Beatty - How Steve Built Confidence

    • Success Is a Journey

    • Matt Jones - Being a Rookie Advisor

    • 7 Keys To Winning New Clients

    • Being A Good Advisor Takes Time

    • Transition From First Starting To Now

    • Characteristics Of A Good Advisor

    • Having Empathy For Your Clients

    • Why Is Trust Credibility Important

    • Benefiting from a Business Advisor

    • Mastery of Skills

    • Need To Deliver Quick Wins

    • Comfort Zone

    • What's In Your Comfort Zone

    • The Imposter Syndrome

    • Simon Prowse - Why Get Into Advisory

    • Don't Look Scared

    • What Are The Basic First Steps

    • Become A Certified Advisor

  3. 3
    • Focus On Your Personal Skills

    • Cameron Fancourt - Tips For Advisors

    • Characteristics of a Successful Advisor

    • Cameron Fancourt - Have a Positive Mindset

    • Sue Wilde - Empathy & Listening

    • Sue Wilde - Coping With Stress

    • Joe Woodard - How To Build Rapport

  4. 4
    • Sales Skills

    • Tip-Sales Is a Process

    • Active Listening Skills

    • How to Overcome Objections

    • Elevator Pitch

    • Why Referrals Are Important

    • Sample Referral Sales Script

    • Get Testimonials For Your Practice

    • Clever Questions And Phrases

  5. 5
    • Create A Good First Impression

    • Sue Wilde - Understanding Your Clients Before Asking Questions

    • Simon Prowse Client Discovery Confidence

    • Linda Hamilton - Feeling Like You Have To Have The Answer

    • Dale Coutts: Discussion with Clients

    • Phil Roberts: Phrases

    • Darrell Weekes - Why is a Client Discovery Important

    • More Than Just Financials

    • Darrell Weekes--How Do Clients Make Their Decisions

    • Linda Hamilton - What Do You Chat About With Your Clients

    • Debbi Alison - Experience Helping With Questions

    • Being A Good Advisor - Look At The Big Picture

    • Academic Panel - Joe Woodard - Why Accountability Meetings

    • Academic Panel - Fred Fardeau- Business Plans

    • Academic Panel - Joe Woodard- Strategic Plan

  6. 6
    • Marketing Case Study

    • What Advisory Services To Offer

    • Fred Adds Videos To The Website

    • Fred Reviews His Video Options

    • Fred Reviews The Business Owner Heroes Video

    • Fred Reviews The Exit Planning Video

    • Fred Reviews The Profit Growth Methodology Video

    • Fred Reviews The Advisory Board Video

    • Fred Emails The Video To His Clients

    • Fred develops Website Call To Action

    • Fred Develops a Proposal

    • Fred Develops an Impressive Company Background Presentation

    • Fred Reviews the Client Methodology

    • Fred Thinks About Developing More Powerful Copy

    • Fred Creates Brochures and Seminar Invites

    • Fred Increases His Credibility and Markets The Certified Logo

  7. 7
    • Linda Hamilton - Marketing Strategy

    • Academic Panel -Fred Fardeau- Marketing

    • Marketing Basics

    • Marketing Needs To Be Connected

    • Structured Marketing Plan

    • Competitive Intelligence

    • Find Your Target Market

  8. 8
    • Matt Jones - How to Generate Leads

    • Matt Jones - The Importance of Having a Speciality

    • Specialise Vs Not Specialise

    • Being The Best and a Thought Leader

    • Jason O-Mahony Thought Leaders

    • Academic Panel - Phil Roberts: Ideal Target

    • Whats a Facebook Group - How To Use It

    • Matt Jones -Type of Events To Run

    • What Area Do You Specialise In

    • Example of Greg Boyer Specialisation

  9. 9
    • Trust Pyramid

    • Linda Hamilton - Public Speaking Generates Response

    • The Sales Funnel

    • Peter Christman-Close Rate Of Good Advisors

    • Matt Jones - Lead Conversion Process

  10. 10
    • Academic Panel - Dale Coutts: How Do You Win New Clients?

    • Developing Marketing Copy

    • Education Based Marketing

    • Implementing Education Based Marketing

    • Sample Educational Based Marketing Content

    • Matt Jones - Talking About Benefit vs Product

  11. 11
    • Where Should We Start (Audience)

    • Jade - Digital Strategy

    • What is SEO

    • How Can You Optimise SEO

    • What Do We Mean By Optimising

    • What is PPC

    • Example of Credibility - Use The Institute Logo

    • What Do All Good Websites Have (CTA)

    • Why Is a CTA Important

    • Sample Call to Action

    • Jade - Facebook Groups

    • What Can I Use in the Resource Folder

    • How Can I Use the Institute Videos

    • Example of Institute Video - Business Owner Heroes

    • Jade - Example Appeal to The Target Emotionally

    • Jade - Example Website Clear and Simple

  12. 12
    • Business Plan & Development Workbook

    • Before You Go...

    • Congrats, Consider These Reasons To Now Get Certified!